Brain Brawn & Body Your Daily Dose February 26


Dear Reader:

How can I handle barriers to becoming more physically active?

Adding more physical activity to your life may seem a challenge. Here are some common barriers and solutions.

"I don't have time for physical activity."

You can "sneak" it into your day a few minutes at a time. Get started by making these small changes in your daily routine:


Daily activities can cause salt buildup in your hair. To remove salt, shampoo with a mild, pH-balanced product at least once a week. For more tips on keeping natural, relaxed, or braided hairstyles looking good during and after exercise, check out Hair Care Tips for Sisters On The Move

"I'm going to ruin my hairstyle."

If you avoid physical activity because you do not want to ruin your hairstyle, try

"It's too expensive."

There are ways to be active that are free or lower in cost. You can

"Physical activity is a chore."

It can be fun!


Join us this Thursday at the UWM Zilber School of Public Health from 5-7pm to celebrate our one year anniversary, meet our New Faces contest winners and learn about our new app! So much excitement!

More health information is available at Brain Brawn & Body and find out about other healthy events on Healthy Happenings. I invite you to read, learn, enjoy!


Eric Von
