Brain Brawn & Body Your Daily Dose October 1


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Dear Reader:

Lay Off the Juice Cleanse Diet. You've Been Lied To.

juicingveggiesA cup of fresh-squeezed fruits and veggies might seem like the ultimate healthy snack. With everyone from your next-door neighbor to A-list celebrities professing their love for $12 containers of the suspicious-looking stuff, there must be miracle in the bottle, right?


The juicing trend is just that: a trend. Despite their soaring popularity, liquefied fruits and veggies are far from the panacea they are claimed to be.

Here's why:

1. Your body doesn't need cleansing.

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More Proof About Giving Housing to Homeless

homestartMore Proof That Giving Housing to Homeless is Cheap, Effective and Will Make Tenants Happy


A number of studies have already proved it. But another nonprofit has stepped in to further demonstrate that providing housing is the cheapest and most efficient way to keep at-risk individuals from becoming homeless.

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Scientific Proof that You Need a Vacation Right Now

needtotakeavacationIt's a fact now that most American workers aren't taking any vacations. Last week we reported that about 40 percent of Americans don't plan on using all of their paid time off this year. And you're probably one of them. You hoard up your precious vacation days and keep saying you'll use them, but something gets in the way. Maybe it's your workload, or, maybe, like others, you're totally scared that you're going to lose your job. The most common reason why people weren't taking vacation was because they possess what researchers call a "martyr" complex, in which they believe that no one else can do their job as well as they can. Yet more than 20 percent of people who don't take vacations say they skip out because they are afraid they feel they are easily replaceable.

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When It’s Better to Rent, Not Own, a Home in Retirement

homeownershipvsrentingRetirees who crave flexibility sign leases instead of mortgage documents

Many argue it’s best to own a home in retirement instead of renting one. But there are exceptions.

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Blacks May Face Higher Risk of Diabetes-Linked Vision Loss

diabetesvisionlossDiabetic macular edema seems to strike some types of patients more frequently

Black Americans are at greater risk for diabetes-related vision loss than other racial groups battling the blood sugar disease, a new study says.

Researchers analyzed data from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which evaluates about 5,000 people each year. They found that blacks had the highest rates of a condition known as diabetic macular edema -- one of the leading causes of blindness in people with diabetes.

Diabetic macular edema occurs when fluid and protein builds up in a part of the retina. This causes retinal swelling and a resulting loss of vision, the researchers explained.

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Are Health Insurance Premiums Skyrocketing in 2015?

healthinsurancepremiumsnotupDespite what you might have heard, the answer is 'No!'

“O-care premiums to skyrocket,” said a headline in The Hill, a widely-read website on politics. That dire forecast was a dream come true for legions of the Affordable Care Act's detractors, who spread the troubling assertion far and wide on conservative media outlets.

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I invite you to read, learn, enjoy!


Eric Von


P.O. Box 761, Milwaukee, WI 53201