Brain Brawn & Body Your Daily Dose May 15


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Dear Reader:

Sick TV

If you watch television then you undoubtedly have seen one of the many commercials about near miracle drugs on the market that claim to effectively address a number of ailments. Some of the claims may be true. The problem is that as quickly as the makers of these products tell us the wonders of them, they hit us with a long list of possible side effects one might be subjected to by using the medications.

Those side effects can be quite scary and you’d be right to proceed with caution. I found the following article written by a Dr. Howard J. Bennett provided considerable insight on the issue of drug companies peddling their products on tv. He uses the antacid or acid reducing products as an example of the sometimes misleading approach that drug manufacturers take in television ads.

It’s good to hear from an insider on this issue - Howard J. Bennett, MD.

Do TV Commercials Tell the Truth About Drugs


It's no secret that advertisers stretch the truth when they make trendy ads to get you to buy their products. That's why pictures of scrumptious pasta dishes and juicy steaks look better on TV than when you visit a local food chain for dinner.

My concern in this area is more basic. Namely, there is a big difference between stretching the truth for foods (or other items) vs. medication. Whenever parents see ads for a cold medicine, they are being duped into believing these products work. In reality, cold medicines have little upside in children.

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I invite you to read, learn, enjoy!

Eric Von
