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Why Do They Call it Cancer?

cancerchangeSome of the conditions that doctors label cancer may not be as serious as they sound – and may not even require treatment. That’s the consensus of a panel of experts that is urging the National Cancer Institute to reconsider the definition of the disease as a way to reduce unnecessary treatment.

The proposal would eliminate the words “cancer” or “carcinoma” from the diagnoses of certain lesions and small tumors, including ones affecting the prostate, thyroid and breast.

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7 Everyday Habits That Can Cause Cancer

cancers7You know that smoking can cause oral and lung cancer. You’re careful about sun exposure to minimize the risk of skin cancer. You scrub your fruits and veggies to get rid of pesticides and have had your house tested for radon. But you might not know that these simple habits can up your cancer risk as well; some are just for women, some are for women and men:

1. Wearing your cell phone in your bra

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Treating Your Metastatic Prostate Cancer

psaAdvanced Prostate Cancer: When PSA Levels Change

You likely already know that PSA can be a sign of prostate cancer. PSA stands for "prostate-specific antigen."

Most prostate cells produce PSA. More PSA enters your bloodstream when you have cancer.

If you already have had prostate cancer treatment, changes in PSA levels can tell whether treatment is working.

After surgical removal of your prostate, your PSA levels should be undetectable. After radiation therapy, the PSA levels should drop and remain at low levels.

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Recommendations for Preventing and Detecting Skin Cancer in People of Color

skincancerfamilyPeople of color have a lower risk of developing skin cancer than Caucasians, but they are not immune to the disease. In fact, skin cancer is often diagnosed at a more advanced stage in people of color, which can make it more difficult to treat. A new study provides recommendations for the prevention and early detection of skin cancer in people of color based on a comprehensive review of available data.

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