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Get Moving for a Healthier Heart

  Are you super-cautious about working out because it’s been a while since you were active, or you feel out of shape? Actually, exercise is great for you. Being active will: ...

Is This Stress or a Stroke?

stressorstrokeAre you stressed out? Is your head throbbing, and you just don’t feel right? Worried you’re having a stroke? You’re probably not.

Anxiety, migraines, blood sugar changes, and lots of other things can make you feel weak and funny -- and they’re much more likely.

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Strokes and the Toll They Take on Younger Adults

knowstrokesignsAbout 10% of the 800,000 strokes that happen in the U.S. each year strike adults younger than 45.

A stroke -- an event where blood flow to the brain is disrupted, either by a blood clot or bleeding -- can be devastating at any age. But when a younger adult has one, they're affected “in the prime of their life, in their most productive years,” says Jose Biller, MD. He's the chairman of the department of neurology at the Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University in Chicago.

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The Warning Signs of Stroke

strokewarningsignsA stroke occurs about every 40 seconds. Each year, about 795,000 Americans have a stroke. Do you know the warning signs?

Sometimes symptoms of stroke develop gradually. But if you are having a stroke, you are more likely to have one or more sudden warning signs like these.

  • Numbness or weakness in your face, arm, or leg, especially on one side
  • Confusion or trouble understanding other people
  • Trouble speaking
  • Trouble seeing with one or both eyes
  • Trouble walking or staying balanced or coordinated
  • Dizziness
  • Severe headache that comes on for no known reason

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When You Need to Lose Weight for Your Heart

  It’s time to show your heart some love. When your doctor says you need to lose weight for the sake of your heart, start with a plan. Set realistic goals. Come up with an eating plan that works for you and one that you can stick to. Use these 10 tips to help you stay motivated. 1. Put ...

Could 'Star Trek'-Like Health Device Be Near?

  Experimental wearable patch monitors biochemical, electrical signals to gauge heart, other functions "Beam us up, Scotty!" U.S. researchers say they've developed a small, wearable health monitor they're likening to the "Star Trek" tricorder. The flexible Chem-Phys patch can be worn on ...

Study: DNA test can predict whether you are gay

UCLA scientists think they've developed the first test that can accurately predict whether a man is gay based on his DNA, and all it takes is a swab of saliva, reports New Scientist. The researchers ...

5 Things You Need To Be Pre-Approved For a Mortgage

  While idly shopping for a home may be pleasant, serious homebuyers need to start the process in a lender's office, not an open house. Potential buyers benefit in several ways by consulting ...

Why You Should Vacation With Your Grandkids

  Take them places their parents wouldn't and leave their folks behind In the past 12 years, I have taken one or more of my six grandchildren on 25 trips, mostly adventure trips — river ...

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