By Claire Aldrich
After my best friend split up with her ex, she complained that he had acted like a baby. She harped on his over-emotional behavior and lack of responsibility. She said he had little ambition and never felt like her protector, much less her champion. “This time, I want a real man!” she insisted.
So she dated a guy who seemed tougher emotionally. The problem was, however, that he barely talked to her at all, much less express sadness, hurt or love. He knew how to physically interact, but didn’t know how to show what he was feeling. Was he a real man? Not really intimate enough for her.
Then she dated a guy who rode motorcycles and worked out—a lot. He had muscles! I dreamed of touching his biceps and those rock-hard abs he sported. But it turned out he couldn’t really hold an intelligent conversation. He laughed at lame, immature TV shows and watched Youtube videos of people hurting themselves in silly situations. Was he a real man? Not really smart enough for her.
In her reactionary way, she knew she didn’t want to date a metrosexual. She wasn't impressed by guys who wore designer shirts, got spray tans and bragged about their manicures. So she hooked up with a guy who wore white T-shirts and torn jeans. She said the holes in his shoes were “cute.” Until she had to take him to a work dinner and he showed up in the same ensemble. Then she realized he just looked sloppy. Was he a real man? Not really refined enough for her.
When she finally found a guy who was quiet, athletic but not bulked up, and occasionally teared up when watching touching movies, she was surprised at how much she respected and admired him. He wasn't the comic-book version of a macho hero. But he turned out to be her hero. Simply because he exuded the right balance of masculine confidence and emotional openness. He wasn't really what she was looking for, but he turned out to be her real man.
I invite you to read, learn, enjoy!