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Get Moving for a Healthier Heart

  Are you super-cautious about working out because it’s been a while since you were active, or you feel out of shape? Actually, exercise is great for you. Being active will: ...

How Anger Can Hurt Your Heart


Everyone gets angry. It’s a normal emotion, and there’s probably a good reason why you feel that way.

angerThe way you handle your anger can make a difference to your heart, though.

“If you have a destructive reaction to anger, you are more likely to have heart attacks,” says cardiologist Dave Montgomery, MD, of Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta.

That’s true whether intense anger makes you fiery or quietly fume.

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Migraine Headache: I Don’t Know the Pain

migraineericI don’t suffer from migraines, but my wife does. Watching her twist and writhe in pain is debilitating for me. I feel her pain…kind of. Thankfully, it’s from afar. I know I couldn’t handle what she goes through. 

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, 18% of women and 6% of men experience the syndrome, but ironically, few of these sufferers can describe the symptoms nor the pain they feel.

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A Healthy Body Often Equals a Healthy Brain



Experts stress that exercise, good diet help maintain memory as much as mental challenges do

People who want to stay sharp as they age often turn to brain teasers, puzzles and games, figuring correctly that they'll lose it if they don't use it.

But a healthy body is also key to maintaining a healthy brain, and that's something many people tend to overlook, experts say.

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When You Need to Lose Weight for Your Heart

  It’s time to show your heart some love. When your doctor says you need to lose weight for the sake of your heart, start with a plan. Set realistic goals. Come up with an eating plan that works for you and one that you can stick to. Use these 10 tips to help you stay motivated. 1. Put ...

Could 'Star Trek'-Like Health Device Be Near?

  Experimental wearable patch monitors biochemical, electrical signals to gauge heart, other functions "Beam us up, Scotty!" U.S. researchers say they've developed a small, wearable health monitor they're likening to the "Star Trek" tricorder. The flexible Chem-Phys patch can be worn on ...

Study: DNA test can predict whether you are gay

UCLA scientists think they've developed the first test that can accurately predict whether a man is gay based on his DNA, and all it takes is a swab of saliva, reports New Scientist. The researchers ...

5 Things You Need To Be Pre-Approved For a Mortgage

  While idly shopping for a home may be pleasant, serious homebuyers need to start the process in a lender's office, not an open house. Potential buyers benefit in several ways by consulting ...

Why You Should Vacation With Your Grandkids

  Take them places their parents wouldn't and leave their folks behind In the past 12 years, I have taken one or more of my six grandchildren on 25 trips, mostly adventure trips — river ...

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