Victoria Falls in Zambia
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If an African safari is on your bucket list, sit back and over the next 12 months, go on safari vicariously with us! We started off with Hippos in Africa - Vicariously and now want to share the fabulous Victoria Falls with you.
Victoria Falls is shared by the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. My sister and her husband went to Zambia specifically to see one of the Seven Wonders of the World. To say the falls are SO BIG would sound like a statement one would make to a toddler, but how do you describe something this massive and breathtaking?
To get to Victoria Falls, they stayed at a lodge on a lake. They took a boat to the far end of the lake, then they hiked a half-mile, had a little breakfast, and stored their backpacks and personal belongings. There was a stream of water that widened to get to the top of the falls. Surprisingly at the lake and on the hike it was really quiet. The closer you got to the falls, the louder it became. During the rainy season it must be deafening.
Their trip occurred at the end of the dry season so the falls were slower and the water lower than during the rainy season. Yet, it was scary, but exhilarating to hike to the falls, they told me. They had to walk across really slippery rocks hanging on to ropes at times. The water’s depth ranged from knee high to chest high. They were able to jump into this little pool and then swim to the edge of the falls where they had their picture taken. It was really slippery, scary, yet, amazing.
Having traveled extensively to all parts of the world with guides leading the way in many places, on this trip, they were greatly impressed with the guides. They spoke English with aplomb through pleasing, heavy accents that were quite pleasing.
When you hit the falls, be prepared for chilling cold water, an adrenaline rush, all leading to a pleasurable experience not to be found anywhere else.
Victoria Falls is a marvel to behold, great to experience vicariously, and even better to experience firsthand.