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Faithe Colas

Faithe Colas

Faithe Colas is an expert in public and community relations. She is a partner in Von Communications, a public relations firm and is co-publisher and marketing director of Brain Brawn & Body. You can contact Faithe at

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Wikipedia defines vulnerability this way:  Vulnerability refers to the inability to withstand the effects of a hostile environment. 

A more spiritual understanding of vulnerability is provided in the Bible in 1 Peter 5:14… Greet one another with a kiss of love. And in Ephesians 4:25… Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 

The other day I watched a popular life class about vulnerability. In essence, the guest, Brene Brown, defined vulnerability as “an act of courage”.

Hits: 12882

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The Black male incarceration rate; higher than the national average unemployment; unacceptable drop out rates at middle and high school; the disparate treatment of black male in the health care community which results, in part, to the high rate of death in just about every category impacting the human race. And now the question: are men needed?

It’s no wonder black males are slow to respond as mentors, as leaders in their communities; even as heads of their own families.  There is so much that black males combat on every front - every day of their lives.  The above list just scratches the surface. Add to that list everyday things that occur for all of us, and it’s a wonder black men don’t question their own relevancy daily.

Hits: 15729

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I’ve experienced the death of loved ones and good friends before. There’s nothing more heart wrenching than saying goodbye, but it’s also a blessing to be able to say those final words.

I remember when the ‘Dean of the Black Press’ Walter Jones, former editor of the Milwaukee Courier passed away. Walter had been sick for a long time, battling cancer. I visited with him the day before he died. During my very brief visit with him, he tried to speak, but no sound came out, he spoke to me with his eyes. It was difficult. Based on what I was feeling and experiencing I could only imagine what his family was going through. I cried for days thinking about my last moments with Walter and wishing he could get the words out he seemed so desperately wanted to say to me. 

Hits: 32314

A few weeks ago I decided to take some vacation time, to get some rest. I was feeling exhausted. I mean exhausted beyond belief. Who knew spring would arrive during my vacation.

I can get back to walking again!  What a nice surprise. Spring is here and I took my first walk through my neighborhood  I heard the birds chirping and children playing in the school yard. I see other people walking or running and moms or sitters out with children in strollers. Everyone is going about their day and as they pass by me, they share a smile or a soft good morning.

I love walking. It helps me think better. It clears my mind and makes me feel younger and energetic.

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I am grateful and want to thank all of those who have called, emailed or sent text messages to Eric and me expressing your support, dismay and shock at learning of the shut down of 1290 WMCS.

On Tuesday, February 26, 2013, in the final days of Black History Month, an institution in Milwaukee, radio station 1290 WMCS abruptly closed its doors. ‘The Talk of the Town’ began playing Elvis Presley music approximately one minute after Eric’s final words were spoken, his trademark close, “Be good, be careful, bye bye.”

Those would be my husband’s final words as the host of the wildly popular, Morning Magazine, the show he created and led for more than 15 years.

I chuckle now as I think about how things work out. I find it oddly amusing. After working to develop Brain Brawn & Body – a three year odyssey - Eric and I finally launched the website on February 21 at the UWM Zilber School of Public Health. We’re so appreciative of the tremendous support from the mayor, the city’s Health Department, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare, the American Cancer Society, our friends and the community.

Hits: 32589

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I’m excited and so thrilled that my husband Eric and I are able to bring Brain Brawn & Body to fruition. Helping African American men and the people who love them become active participants in their healthcare is critical. The result is they will live healthier lives.

Here’s why that’s important to me. Just over a year ago Eric had a second heart attack. 

It happened on a snowy, Tuesday morning in January of 2012. I had been driving our Volkswagen Cabrio, because it was more economical. But on this day Eric thought the weather conditions weren’t safe enough to drive the Volkswagen. He thought I should take the truck but the tires looked a little low on air so, I called AAA. 

I called my boss to let him know I would be late. This was about 7:00 a.m. At about 8:00 a.m., or so, Eric called me on a commercial break to say if I could wait until he gets finished with his radio show he would take me to work. I said okay. It’s funny because normally I would have said, “Hey, I’ve been living in Milwaukee all my life. I know how to drive in crazy weather. I’m driving the Rover. No worries, I’ll text you when I get to the office.” 

However, this morning I said, “Okay.” Less than thirty minutes later I noticed his radio show was playing a best of version of ‘The Morning Magazine’, the show Eric has hosted for almost 20 years.

Hits: 28863