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Making You Better . . . One Month at a Time

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I am fortunate to serve both as the editor and publisher of Brain Brawn & Body. I have learned so much since launching this website. In much the same way as I spent two decades prepping for my radio show, reading and researching topics on a regular basis, I have found myself doing that type of prep work for Brain Brawn & Body. 

It has been a rewarding experience. This past year has been a whirlwind of activity for the website. We have done workshops and forums, health fairs and seminars, but mostly the enrichment has come from the monthly publishing of articles that enlighten our readers about health and wellness issues. 


This has been a learning experience for me and the rest of the Brain Brawn & Body crew. 

It is our goal to make sure that 2014 continues to bring enlightenment to visitors of our website. We will publish more great articles written by some of the brightest minds in the health care arena on subjects that are central to improving the well-being of our readers. 

It has been fun and we thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of your daily health regimen. From health and wellness, to better nutrition advice, to travel and leisure and how to better plan your financial future, we present cutting edge stories that can change lives and improve outcomes. 

All we ask is that you read, learn and enjoy and we believe that you will be all the better for it! Thank you.



Eric Von is a former radio talk show host and a publisher of Brain Brawn & Body ( You can contact Eric at


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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025