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Men’s Health Night – Sweet Success!

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It’s wonderful when you witness a plan coming together.

There isn’t a day that passes that I am not totally overjoyed that Brain Brawn & Body is alive and doing well. 

More importantly, it is doing what we envisioned when we launched the website – it is changing lives. Those are not my words, others have told us so. We wanted to see men take control of their health. We believed that if men knew how to live healthier they would, in turn, lead their families to live healthier lives. 

And so far, the prognosis is good. 


We recently held our second Men’s Health Night. A lot went in to making the event successful. Nationally syndicated radio host, Tom Joyner came through and implored the gathering to “Take a Loved One to the Doctor”. The crowd loved him.

Former Green Bay Packer, George Koonce, PhD., drew the parallel between a good education and good health. The audience truly appreciated his message.

And our panel of health care experts captivated the men and women in the room with their candid replies to the varied questions that came their way. We even had an impromptu visit from Mayor Tom Barrett, who came out in a tee shirt and running shorts, fresh from a day of participation in several walk/runs. It was just that important to him and we thank him for the support.

Despite all of the celebrity in the room, what stood out for me was the “everyman” aspect of the event. It didn’t matter who you were or what you did for a living – if you were a man concerned about your health, there was a place for you and a place for your questions about how to live healthier.

I loved it.

Brain Brawn & Body is a website, but I believe that we are at our best when we are out touching people on occasions like this. That’s when people tell us that we’re making a difference and that’s what it’s all about. We want to raise awareness and we need to see evidence of that. What better way than to invite men and women in to talk about health and wellness and share what we know with people who have gotten off the couch to find out? 

Of course, we’ll keep publishing and pushing out the information that so many need. But we’ll also keep reaching out and sitting down with people any time and any where we can because there is no more valuable way to know that you are connecting with people than to be right there in the room with them. 

Thanks to our great partners, Wheaton Franciscan Health Care, the City of Milwaukee Health Department, the Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin and those media outlets, television station Fox 6 Milwaukee and radio station Jammin’ 98.3 for all the support each gave from beginning to end. 

But most of all, thanks to the men who came out to continue to dispel the myth that men don’t care about their health. The proof that they do, “was in the pudding” served during Men’s Health Night.


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Eric Von is a former radio talk show host and a publisher of Brain Brawn & Body ( You can contact Eric at


  • Guest
    JessIe Wray Sunday, 03 August 2014

    My name is Jessie wray Jr.and I find this web site to be a major asset to men's health. At 55 yrs young, it's wonderful being able to read about men's issue's. Thank you !!!

  • Guest
    Eric Von Monday, 04 August 2014

    Jesse, thank you. We are hopeful that more and more of our readers will come to appreciate the information contained on the pages of Brain Brawn & Body. It certainly can prove to be life-changing for those who abide by the many suggestions to a healthier lifestyle. We know that change is difficult, but we believe that with knowledge change occurs much more readily. Be well and again, thank you.

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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025