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Relationship Advice

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I don’t typically find myself giving relationship advice. But an article I read for Brain Brawn & Body (Fight Fairly and Keep the Peace in Your Relationship) led me to think about my own relationship and how my wife and I get along. We do pretty well and I think we can provide others with a beacon to help them through a difficult stretch they may be facing. 

With the help of the article and the recommendations it presents, I offer these observations.

It may seem obvious: a healthy relationship could mean a healthier you. That’s right, two people getting along better could mean that you, the individual, will fare better in many ways.


Think about it – your blood pressure rises when you argue, fuss and heaven forbid, fight. Who needs it? Reduce the stress of unhappiness by trying to find ways for you and your significant other to live more harmoniously.

Now, that may mean that someone has to swallow his or her pride and simply drop it, but in the long run, let’s hope that this leads to a better way of getting along.

I found the recommendations in the article, Fight Fairly and Keep the Peace in Your Relationship quite helpful. In fact, I recognized that my wife and I subconsciously or consciously, do many of the things suggested in the article. This probably has led to us having fewer spats than I am accustomed to in my past relationships. Adding to that is the fact that we are both more mature than we were in previous relationships and we have, no doubt, learned from our mistakes.

But I am sure that others who have been through the rigors of dating and marriage are, unfortunately, still experiencing some of those same issues that led to breakups in their past. They, I would argue, haven’t learned. 

As the article states, everyone argues from time to time, that’s human nature. But those arguments can be reduced with a little effort and energy on the part of both partners. I happen to like one suggestion in particular – “Find the humor.” 

What a great idea. Laugh it out. How important is that thing you’re anguishing over? Laugh with one another and move on to the more productive things in your relationship.

And maybe the most important bit of advice offered in the article is: Remember what’s important. What’s important is you and your happiness collectively. Putting aside the need to be right is integral to the success of a relationship and will lead to a healthier, more wholesome life for the two of you.


Eric Von is a former radio talk show host and a publisher of Brain Brawn & Body ( You can contact Eric at


  • Guest
    Trivedi Effect Wednesday, 28 January 2015

    No matter who you are or what your work is, you need to nurture your relationship. Make sure you schedule time for the well-being of your relationship. That includes making “playdates” and also taking downtime together. Frequently create a sacred space together by shutting off all things technological and digital. Like a garden, the more you tend to your relationship, the more it will grow.Nice article

  • Guest
    Relationship Advice Monday, 02 March 2015

    Review your expectations. Do you see your partner as a person, with both winning qualities and flaws, or as someone you expect to be perfect? If your expectations are so astronomical that no one could live up to them 100% of the time, you're setting up your relationship for failure.Listening to your partner will enhance your relationship in many ways. It will help you resolve differences without arguing; let you explore each other's personality more deeply; and even help you pick out an awesome Christmas present. There are no downsides to listening.

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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025