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Save, Save, Save!

Posted by on in Finances
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Saving money is as easy as drinking water…This is the most important thing you can do for yourself. I want you to think of saving money like drinking water. For optimum health you should drink eight glasses of water each day. Likewise, for optimum financial health you should be saving money all the time.

Water!  Water!  Water! ….. Save!  Save!  Save!

I just sent my oldest son off to college in the big city. He came home this weekend with a hand full of bank receipts and an overdrawn bank account. I had a teaching moment with him to help him add. He has a job, but spent everything that he had and didn’t know where it went.  I went through budgeting to teach him the importance of adding right and not forgetting something you spend. His one hundred in purchases cost him two hundred. We talked about the importance of saving some each pay period to build up his savings. Now we can only hope he does it.

Lori Geiss, Financial Advisor and Financial Chef

Disclosure:  This material has been reviewed according to applicable securities regulations, and is not for use in foreign jurisdictions. Health and other non-variable insurance products are not offered through Wall Street Financial Group Inc. Only securities and advisory services offered through Wall Street Financial Group, Inc., Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC. Wall Street Financial Group, Inc. and The Affluent Investor Source are separate entities, They are independently owned and operated.


Lori Geiss is a financial advisor and chef. You can contact Lori at


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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025