We'd All Like to Be Healthy
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We’d all like to be healthy. That would be ideal. But the reality is that with life comes ailments and as we age, frailty is often the companion.
While we might not escape minor illnesses, and nagging pain, we can live healthier lives if we practice good housekeeping skills. Today we know more than we did even a decade ago about health and wellness. And to their credit, some people are living healthier lives through better diet, exercise and other methods of weight control.
And weight control can affect a number of other areas of our lives. It is recommended to many diabetes sufferers that they lose excess weight and keep it off to lower their sugar count. Heart disease and high blood pressure can be better managed through proper weight control.
If we begin to live smarter even if we suffer from these serious ailments, we can live better. So how do we increase our knowledge about living a healthier lifestyle? We read all we can and we begin with a daily dose of Brain Brawn & Body. Notice I said, begin. We recognize that we are but one source to pick up valuable information about health and wellness, there are many others. But Brain Brawn & Body is the easy way to do it.
It comes to your mailbox each month or you can simply go to brainbrawnbody.com and voila! You’re there!
You’re at the gateway to better health, not only for you but for your entire family. But don’t stop there. Pick up a book from your local library or stop in any bookstore; the racks are full of healthy reading. But you’ve got to want to live healthy. In most cases, the reading isn’t sexy or exciting, but it’s good for you. Learning how to live healthy can be the difference between living good and being miserable everyday.
There’s something about that person who is healthy. They’re bubbly, always ready to go. I have an aunt who is 80 years old today and she is the picture of health. One would never suspect that she was that age. Along the way, she has had her bumps and bruises, but she has always been active and lively. It was her active lifestyle, well into her seventies, she would say, that has “preserved” her.
Whatever it takes, is what I say. We all want to live long, productive lives and being healthy is the only way to do that. I often say that if I knew when I was young what I know now about health and wellness, I’d be a lot better off. Sadly, I didn’t gain my knowledge until very late in life. But what I know is, it’s never too late. Start today on your path to a healthier lifestyle and before you know it, you’ll feel better both physically and psychologically.