Tracy Baskin
Tracy Baskin is a varsity high school football and track coach and player on a minor league football team. You can contact Tracy at baskin.tracy@gmail.com.

Fitness, my health and sports have been a passion of mine since I was 4 or 5 years old. I recall watching my father take very good care of his body. He spent most of his free time in city league sports in Racine, Wisconsin. He set a fine example for me to follow.
Over the years I've worked hard to maintain a healthy body. But no matter what shape you are in, now is a good time to start being healthier.
To help jump start any regimen one thing any man should do is to invest in a system cleaner. System cleaners are designed to flush your colon and your digestive system as a whole so that when you start to eat better or take vitamins or other supplements, it will absorb better into your system.