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Gettin' Fit

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Fitness, my health and sports have been a passion of mine since I was 4 or 5 years old. I recall watching my father take very good care of his body. He spent most of his free time in city league sports in Racine, Wisconsin. He set a fine example for me to follow.

Over the years I've worked hard to maintain a healthy body. But no matter what shape you are in, now is a good time to start being healthier.

To help jump start any regimen one thing any man should do is to invest in a system cleaner. System cleaners are designed to flush your colon and your digestive system as a whole so that when you start to eat better or take vitamins or other supplements, it will absorb better into your system.


There is anywhere between 5 to 15 pounds of fecal matter in a human’s system at any given time. A system cleaner will help you, but is only recommended at most 2 times a year. One good product is The 7 Day Total System Cleaner from Arbonne. It can be purchased online at for $50. Most recently I lost 5 pounds.

The 2nd thing a man should do is take a multivitamin. There are different types for people that seek different results. I take a packet of 11 vitamins called animal cuts. These vitamins are for athletes and those that expend a great deal of energy throughout their day. This costs $49 for 40 packets.

A good multivitamin is Complete Man multivitamin at Complete Nutrition. The pills are average capsule size and have a modest price range between $25 to $50. Talk to your pharmacist or the knowledgeable food store employee for recommendations that suit your needs. There are plenty of multivitamins that fit any life style, but one main purpose of vitamins is to give you a full range of needed nutrients that may be missed and neglected in your day. Soft capsules are my recommendation because they digest faster.

The last thing you should do is free. Look at what you eat and drink and talk to others about their diets and eating habits. Look at the amount of caffeine, refined sugar and processed food you eat. Then start by reducing fast food and increasing fruits and vegetables. Diets are not always to lose weight, but to structure your eating habits. Because I work out a lot and use a lot of energy through my day, I should be eating between 2500 to 5000 calories a day. Your calorie needs depend on what you want to accomplish.

To buy these two items and jump start your healthy living should only take an hour out of your day. You will be on your way to a healthier body.

Tracy Baskin is a varsity high school football and track coach and player on a minor league football team.



Tracy Baskin is a varsity high school football and track coach and player on a minor league football team. You can contact Tracy at


  • Cindy Wendland
    Cindy Wendland Wednesday, 27 February 2013

    Looking forward to starting the 7 day cleanse and having the men in my life start it too.

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Guest Saturday, 15 March 2025